Thursday, November 17, 2005

Mrs. Linklater Kicks Butt In A New Place

Mrs. Linklater has been kicking butt wherever she finds it. Now she's here.

She is going to devote this blog to taking on advice columnists. For years she wondered what her life's work would be. Making fudge in a beachtown? Not a chance. Removing shoelaces from old Nike waffle trainers? It didn't happen. Working in a bikini wax factory? Unlikely.

Until one day a girlfriend called her for advice about something her child did. Her friend had already asked everyone else what to do. She was beside herself, convinced she had raised a criminal for a son. Needless to say, the actual transgression is lost to history, but Mrs. Linklater was inspired to suggest a trip to Dairy Queen for a chocolate sundae as "punishment."

She thinks that the trouble with most families is not enough chocolate sundae time with your kids. A little whipped cream. A cherry or two. Imagine the look on a juvenile delinquent's face when you don't ground them for life, you take them for a chocolate sundae.

Use your time together to review Class X felonies and their prison terms, if you feel the need. Or ask them about their friends, their schoolwork, what they're interested in, what they look for in a good parent, stuff like that. Your angry, snarling, grunting, misbehaving child may be stunned into having a conversation with you. The kind where he talks, then you talk, then he talks, you talk, remember?

Instead of those one-sided monologues you're used to.

Mrs. Linklater's friend was ecstatic. She loved chocolate sundaes.

Immediately, Mrs. Linklater realized she was on to something. This early success led her to read Dear Abby and the rest of that fraternity of females over forty to see if she agreed with their advice. After reading several disappointing columns, she decided what the world really needed was a second opinion. Hers.

And she couldn't wait to provide it. So she will be offering her take on the advice those garrulous girls in the newspapers dish out. When she can tear herself away from the fridge.


Kris said...

Give those advice columnists hell. Welcome to the neighborhood :)

Remo said...

Welcome to Camp Runamok! You'll find all the campers are your friends and all of the staff eager and willing to make your stay one you will always remember. Campers are reminded that Uncle Kenny is not a "real" uncle, and if anyone sees him loitering near the latrines please notify a counselor immediately.

I think I dated Steffany in college.

Cynthia said...

Glad to find you kicking butt over here as well. Sorting the pieces has moved shop to

dreaminglily said...

Woo! I'm thrilled! lol

You like kicking butt is just like so like cool! (Those were sarcastic California bleached out blonde more-boobs-than-brains stereotypical toned "likes" by the way lol)

So glad you've joined us here! It is comfy cozy isn't it? Gotta love those HTMLs! ^_^


Carly said...

Hi Mrs. L

Welcome to the new neighborhood! Good to see your smile. :)

Always, Carly

Judith HeartSong said...

love you Dear Lady.

Paul said...

At least in this blog I won't have to see the fookin' Saturday Six.

Anonymous said...

The Hot Fudge treatment, hey?

Who didn't Remo date in college?

floralilia said...

yay! Mrs.L -

welcome to blogburbia!...