Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ask Mrs. Linklater "MILF" Edition

The following was originally posted in March of 2005.

It's that time of the month, when Mrs. Linklater sticks her nose into someone else's business. Without being asked. What? You think she's going to apologize?

ASK AMY -- The Chicago Tribune, Published March 1, 2005

Dear Amy: I am divorced. My daughter is a company representative and travels for her job.

Last October, when my daughter was seven months pregnant, her husband confided in me that they had not had "relations" in over a month, and weren't going to until six weeks after the baby was born.

We were both under the influence of alcohol and things got out of hand. He convinced me that he needed loving. I'm ashamed to say I was more than willing to give it, and this happened numerous times during her pregnancy. I told him he wasn't allowed any more "support" from me once the baby came.

Last week my daughter went to a sales show out of state and he came to me again. At first I didn't want to allow this, but I convinced myself that if it weren't me he was with, it would be someone else.

He only asks when she is unavailable. Am I just justifying this, or should I take it more seriously? And please don't suggest counseling for them -- they love each other.

-- Confused in L.A.

Dear Confused: You're the one who needs to have her head examined, I'm afraid. I'm not sure how you expect me to react to your stupidity, except to tell you to stop it. Of course I feel very sorry for your daughter. She's related to two selfish people who don't seem to respect or care about her.

Because you and your son-in-law are sexually involved, you are exposing one another -- and your daughter -- to sexually transmitted diseases. You and your son-in-law are being despicable. What's worse is that there is now a child in your family who deserves so much better than to be born into an episode of "The Jerry Springer Show."

Please. Don't make Mrs. Linklater choke on her tall de-caf mocha Frappuccino with a shot of almond.

Sounds like son-in-law was looking for a MILF and decided to choose the one closest to his house. I smell Deliverance. Start the banjo music.

[Don't know what a MILF is? Ask a teenaged boy.]

Here is Mrs. Linklater's advice to the mother who can't seem to stop herself from having sex with her daughter's husband:

Take a nice hot bath. Light some scented candles. Put on your sexiest lingerie. Your newest shoes. Your best outfit. And do your hair.

Now. Go play in traffic.

Thank you. I'm here all week.


dreaminglily said...

lol I had someone say I should wear a "MILF in Training" tshirt lol Which I have no idea why to be honest lol I'm about as innocent as a girl can get lol

And as for Miss MILF.... Here's a great idea... Screw a guy that's NOT YOUR SON IN LAW!!! Or buy yourself a Rabbit. And I don't mean the furry kind.


Brennan said...

I just can't believe they actually did that. I mean, how drunk would you have to be, and then when it was done, to NOT stop, but to keep doing it? What the heck?

Judith HeartSong said...

OMG yes... go play in traffic.

Chris said...


What kind of rabbit is she talking about??? a non furry that like one of those hairless egyptian cats?

Just for the record.....I would never screw my son-in-law.

My Most Recent Entry 2/17/06