Sunday, January 08, 2006

Ask Mrs. Linklater "NOT GETTIN' ANY" Edition

Hey -- a brand, spanking new Ask Mrs. Linklater!! She can hardly contain herself.

Mrs. Linklater loves it when men are totally oblivious to their obliviousness. Especially about sex, where obivion seems to be the operative word.

For some reason, after all those articles in Cosmo, some men still think they can do no wrong. As long as they're satisfied, they assume she will be satisfied.

That's why when a man's wife doesn't want to have sex, he assumes there's something wrong with HER. As long as he's got the equipment and knows where it goes -- what's the problem?

It's the old, BLAME THE VICTIM tactic. Apparently our intrepid advice mavin, Cheryl, is willing to blame the victim too. Once again Mrs. L has to give up reading a magazine on the toilet to prevent yet another advice column calamity. Oh, great there's no toilet paper.

Tales from the Front -- Published January 2, 2006
Chicago Tribune

Dear Cheryl: I've learned that spouses can cheat without engaging in physical contact or even going to chat rooms. It's called avoidance.

My wife has been a TV addict and avid video watcher for the last 15 years. She claims she's an insomniac and needs the TV to put her asleep. Intercourse is out because (a) the act no longer makes her sleepy, and (b) once she's finished watching TV, about 2 or 3 a.m., I'm already sleeping. If I somehow force myself to stay awake to wait for her, she promptly falls asleep before anything can happen.

When I suggest the morning as an alternative time for intercourse, she says she can't force herself to get up.

But if she has some early-morning shopping to do with a relative, she's up and ready to go. (By the way, before we had a video recorder, she spent an inordinate amount of time at night paying bills and reading newspapers.)

Yet, she's home every night, has never come home late or had any unexplained absences. I don't have the extra money to hire a detective agency to track her daily whereabouts. I've inquired, and they charge about $100 an hour. Anytime I bring up the subject of her cheating, she denies that there's a problem. Any thoughts?

-- If This Isn't Cheating, I Don't Know What Is!

Dear ITICIDKWI! It doesn't sound like cheating to me. Not if it has been going on for more than 15 years! I think your wife is avoiding sex for other reasons. You need to turn off the TV and ask her what the problem is.

Don't accuse her of cheating, simply ask her why she doesn't want to make love with you.

Is it a physical problem? Has she been to her gynecologist lately? Is it an emotional or psychological problem? Is it something she wants to discuss with a therapist? Is there something specific she doesn't like about your technique? (If she can even remember what your technique is!) Ask her what she thinks you're supposed to do about your sexual needs.

I think you need to do a lot of talking and less accusing. Please keep me informed.

Yo, Cheryl, his wife doesn't have a physical problem, except the problems he is giving her about not doing it enough. Forget the OBY-GYN. too. Since when do those people have a clue about sex -- they are in the business of making babies, not teaching how to make the act of making babies more fun.

The key word our deprived hubby uses is "intercourse." Unfortunately too many men think that quality sex equals plenty of "intercourse." For a large number of women, the ability of intercourse to give her the same pleasure he gets is less than zero.

Mrs. Linklater thinks that all men should be required to learn how to satisfy a woman without intercourse. That goes double for guys who use Viagra. If you can't please her without it, what makes you think you can please her with it. Get on, get in, get out is no longer acceptable noogie. Unless you're leaving a nice sum of money on the dresser. Mrs. L actually knew a couple who did that. That's correct, they are no longer married.

The only intercourse allowed in Mrs. Linklater's class would be social intercourse. Nothing like having a nice conversation or whispering seductive things in her ear like 'If you do this for me, I will [FILL IN THE BLANK[." Wash the dinner dishes all week. Clean the kitty litter. Walk the dog. Anything she has to do that she hates to do.

To paraphrase JFK, "Ask not what your wife can do for you; ask what you can do for your wife." Even better, just do it. Do what? Take the basket of dirty clothes down to the laundry room. Works better than candles and rose petals on the bed. Mrs. Linklater is not kidding. The sexiest thing a husband can do for his wife may be replacing the toilet paper roll WITHOUT BEING ASKED.

Horny hubbies across America could get laid on a more regular basis -- just by running a bath for their wives and putting the kids to bed.

Oh, and it would also help BIG TIME if husbands-who-are-tired-of-excuses took more time to learn about the art of sex, instead of just the location of the plumbing. Couldn't hurt.

Next week Mrs. Linklater discusses men who only touch their wives when they want sex, entitled "Is this for free?"


Samantha said...

LMAO! You ever thought of becoming a marriage counscellor Mrs L? I bet you could work wonders!

Judith HeartSong said...

oh I have missed you!!!!!! I totally agree with your take on things and believe that men and women are just fundamentally different. They are looking for the big bang.... and our delight comes from all the little things that make a relationship work like caring and consideration.

I can tell you that life with another woman is incredibly easier because we both appreciate the same things out of a relationship and two women work well together in all aspects of daily life.She is my best friend.

The sex is better too......

Did I say that out loud?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Oh Good Lord woman I could not agree with you any more! Love your version of JFK's quote! You should make the a title of a book! Men just don't get it...well most! I'm surprise she has gone without for 15 yrs! I hope she hasn't totally!;-)(I don't mean cheating here!) Woman sleeping after sex? We are not guys...ok occasionally but most of the time it is an energy rush! You could clean the whole house afterwards. Maybe that is why men die sooner...we drain their energy! HA! And you are telling me for 15 yrs he hasn't had sex & he is not cheating? Hmmm! Ok, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt if we have to give her it. They definitely need a counselor or sex therapist. I'd want to be shot if I went without in even a month! Man! Maybe the fact that he is writing now after 15 yrs says something! HA! At times I really feel sorry for guys, that they just don't get how many ways you can make love other than "intercourse" that is just so much more exciting. Hey, sounds like a lucrative business...a magazine for guys on women's issues or going around & doing seminars. I think this is an untapped market...want to partner up! Ha!

Remo said...

BOO-O-O-OO!! (throwing a tomato from the back row)

While there's no shortage of nimrods out there who don't have a clue, there are a number of men who do their chores, make nicey-nice, and still get zilch in the sack despite being handy with their tools.

It's cheaper to keep her. Buy an Xbox and upgrade to broadband.

Anonymous said...

Intercourse is out because the act no longer makes her sleepy? Does that mean she's lost the ability to say " Wake me when it's over" ? Tina

Anonymous said...

Here here! It's true, and my husband has done a lot more around the house since he discovered this a few months ago!

Chris said...

He he secret to marital bliss is out. Ever wonder why I draw so many baths, cook, and clean? ha ha ha

Great entry Mrs. L.....I have to go, there's laundry to fold:)

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emmapeelDallas said...

It's true, and reminds me of the old riddle, what's the difference between a clitoris and a golf ball? Answer: A guy is willing to spend 10 minutes looking for a golf ball. Guys who know how to please a woman never have the "not gettin' any" complaint...
